General Assembly Guide

Atlanta General Assemblies are people’s assemblies, or regularly held gatherings where people exercise their right to congregate and engage in participatory democracy — true democracy — for the betterment of our city, state, nation, and world.


PledgePeoples Mic
Consensus and Proposal Process
Hand SignalsTermsFacilitation Roles

Inspired by and modeled after the New York City General Assembly.

Occupy Atlanta Pledge and Guidelines:
(guidelines given by

  • We unequivocally oppose transphobia and homophobia. We are in solidarity with the LGBTQ community. We unequivocally oppose sexism, racism, ableism and religious intolerance.
  • Absolute respect.
  • We recognize and embrace the equality of our diversity as Atlantans.
  • We resist learned prejudices.
  • We share burdens by taking initiatives to fill roles and relieve comrades.
  • We encourage all voices.
  • We discuss ideas, NOT PEOPLE, and disagree without being disagreeable.
  • We avoid labeling and targeted profanity.
  • We maintain a positive expression of the “message” by not engaging unstable or volatile people.
  • We do not accept physical or verbal violence.
  • We avoid conflict through active listening and awareness of body language and emotional responses.
  • We seek to grow from our mistakes; conflicts within Occupy Atlanta are opportunities to learn.
  • We are either all leaders or none of us are leaders.
  • Make friends! Make an effort to get to know people and HAVE FUN!

What is the Peoples Mic and why do we use it?

A People’s Mic is used when amplified sound is not feasible and there are too many people to easily hear the speaker.

The speaker says just a few words at a time, then pauses as the people who can hear what she said loudly repeat the phrase so people further from the speaker know what was said. For very large crowds, multiple echos might be necessary.

Effective use of the People’s Mic requires speakers be concise and avoid the temptation to say phrases of more than a few words at a time.

A “Mic Check” is how a speaker gets attention to the People’s Mic and ensures everyone can hear: Everyone repeats the speaker’s “Mic Check” until the speaker can be heard through the whole crowd.

If a crowd gets too large for the People’s Mic to work effectively, another possibility is to distribute a few walkie talkies in the assembly and have the people around each one serve as the people’s mic for those around them. Or use cell phones in place of the walkie-talkies.

There are other advantages to the use of the People’s Mic beyond the utilitarian benefit of sound amplification. The People’s Mic also serves to:

    • Focus attention on the issue at hand and encourages people to speak from the stacks, rather than focusing on side conversations
    • Engages participants in the conversation, in that they must listen carefully to the speaker to repeat those words exactly
    • Promotes empathy for points of view that may differ from your own, in that your must speak someone else’s idea with your voice
    • Empowers those who have been traditionally unheard, as hearing your idea repeated back in unison by the group is a concrete evidence that they “hear” you

The People’s Consensus – Download a printable .pdf
Consensus decision-making is a democratic process with the main goal of incorporating everyone’s voice into a solid accepted proposal. Instead of votes, a process of patience and understand is used.
Consensus decision-making has been used for thousands of years by societies such as the Tribe of Abraham, the Iroquois Nation, the Quakers, and the Civil Rights, Feminist, and Anti-war movements of the 1960s & 70s. Today, the consensus decision-making process is being used all over the world in the Occupy Movement. This guide is a quick reference and is meant to help speed the process along and keep it efficient by defining terms and facilitation roles, and demonstrating Hand-signals.

Consensus Flow Chart, Hand Signals, and Video Guide


  • Proposal – Proposals affect the entire group and must be approved by consensus.
  • Announcement – Announcements do not affect the entire group and consensus does not need to be reached.
  • Agreement – You agree.
  • Disagreement – You disagree, but will not necessarily block or stand-aside. This is an expression of opinion, not fact.
  • Stack – List of meeting participants waiting to speak. Stack is kept so that participants do not need to keep their hand raised. Once your name has been place don stack, you can relax and formulate what you will say until you are called to speak.
  • Direct Response – A correction or statement of fact to what has just been said. This will place you at the top of stack, so please DO NOT USE IT TO STATE OPINION.
  • Point of Process – The topic of discussion has been strayed from. To be used if discussion has strayed away from the original proposal. This will place you at the top of stack, so please DO NOT USE IT TO STATE OPINION.
  • Clarifying Questions – You did not understand or hear completely what was just said. The moderator/facilitator will ask for clarifying questions after a proposal is stated.
  • Concerns – You have a concern regarding how the proposal will affect the entire group. This can lead into discussion or modification/amendment of the proposal. The moderator/facilitator will ask for concerns after a proposal is stated.
  • Stand-aside – Abstention. You have a disagreement with the proposal, but will let it pass. You are incapable or unwilling to participate in proposal. Stand-asides do not block proposals
  • Block – One person may block a proposal from being passed. A block should only be used if the proposal endangers the organization/group or its participants, or violates the mission of the organization/group. Please use bocks as a last resort.
  • Temperature Check – Used by Moderator/Facilitator or Empath/Vibe-check to see how far along towards consensus the group is. Temperature Checks are not a binding consensus.
  • Consensus – Proposal or motion is passed. Stand-asides have been considered and there are no remaining blocks.

Facilitation Roles

  • Moderator/Facilitator – This can be more than one person, but the job is only to keep discussion on topic such as introducing new agenda items, repeating proposals, helping concerns and blocks be addressed, and calling for consensus.
  • Time-keeper – Simply put, this person keeps time. If time limits are set, this person makes sure no-one speaking, or agenda items go over that limit.
  • Empath/Vibe-watch – Keeps track of general morale based on body-language and emotional responses. This person defuses potential emotional conflicts, maintains a climate free of intimidation and remains aware of potentially destructive power dynamics, such as sexism or racism within the decision-making body.
  • Note-taker – Records the progress of meetings in short concise notes.
  • Stack-taker – Takes the names of people who have raised their hand in the order raised so the crowd can hear them as they are called to speak.

4 Responses to General Assembly Guide

  1. Avatar of sunflame sunflame says:

    Short youtube video of how this works in a small group and then some in larger groups (possibly with annotations when various things occur) would really help people who have never been involved with mass communications understand how the process works. You’ve got to remember that most people don’t listen, they just wait to talk.

  2. Avatar of Marat Marat says:

    Here are some suggested demands.

    1. We want a full free education for every child living in the United States, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, orientation, physical or intellectual ability, or religious belief, from neonatal childcare to any and all post graduate degrees if they so choose to accept. Students will be required to take part in an education of some kind, as granted by the municipal authorities, until the age of adulthood but will have the choice to walk away from secondary education provided for all students at the age of 18 at which time they may choose to start a career, become a civil servant, enlist into the military, or seek some other pursuit to their liking.
    2. We want federal fully funded healthcare, included in the care provided shall be emergency trauma care, long-term disability care, hospice end of life care, pediatric care, recovery and therapy care, psychological therapy and counseling, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, all pharmaceutical drugs, instruments, or any item that patients will have to use in order to receive appropriate care.
    3. We want all there to be no large gaps between the highest and lowest wage earners in any company. There will be strict adherence to wage control both to cap the highest wage earners, and to set a mandatory minimum wage requirement and encourage businesses to profit-share and co-op. Strict regulation will be mandated for the buying, selling, trading of any stock, and new laws will be enforced to terminate any and all predatory practices including customer scams, rip-offs, intimidation, or coercion. These tactics used in business are detrimental to society as a whole and are damaging to its citizenry.
    4. There is no such thing as a right to work as it is necessary for people to afford to live in an industrial society. If workers feel that they have been treated unfairly and the owners of the business are unwilling to negotiate to meet the needs of the workers, the municipal government shall mediate. If not terms can be reached, workers are within their rights to organize into a union to litigate for the rights of the workers. Businesses need to meet health, safety, and environmental requirements before any business may continue its production.
    5. The end to mass deportations of undocumented workers. Deportations should only used in cases of felony convictions past or present. All immigrants documented and undocumented are entitled to the same protections under the constitution that all other people enjoy.
    6. The privatization of public services must come to an end. It is these very companies that break the laws of the land and exploit those people who would most benefit or whom the service was intended for. This includes all police activity, Military services, the penal system, hospitals, government agencies, transportation services, etc.
    7. American businesses must rely on American products. Manufacturing of American products will resume and no longer will companies outsource their production or services to foreign countries. For too long the American worker has been overlooked for foreign production, cheap labor, and the side-stepping of regulations. American business owners must swear to uphold American production and services. If an American business chooses to market themselves outside of the US, they may do so, but production must be done in the US.

    • Avatar of Shana Shana says:

      We are working on a new system for getting these things to the proper group. In this case you would need to send this to Demands. I’ll try to get it forwarded to them if possible for now, but stay tuned for updates on this new system we’re going to implement. Thanks Stephen.

  3. Avatar of ceoholla ceoholla says:

    Here is one of the demands I would like tabled:
    The Constitutional Right to a jury trial is guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment. Yet, over the last 20 years, in just the 2nd and 9th Circuit Courts, 96% of all Copyright lawsuits filed against networks and studios were thrown out of court by an unconsitutional and corporate biased Summary Judgment process…allowing these big companies to STEAL…IN THE NAME OF THE LAW(SUMMARY JUDGMENT). Summary Judgment should only be granted if there was no fact issues to try and if allowed to go to trial there was no way that the Plaintiff could in. Thus, in the last 20 years is it truly possible that 96% of all cases filed against big corporations , NONE OF THE 46/48 CASES COULD WIN? The unconstitutional protections provided to corporations at the expense of the small businesses/Independent Artists MUST END. We demand that all of these cases be put back on the courts’ dockets, the ABOLISHMENT of the Summary Judgment process and revision of the antiquated rules for proving Access in Copyright cases…for we can not allow for Copyright to Die!
    I would like to join meeting with clergy at 12pm tomorrow…please let me know the venue.
    Carla B. 678-634-2904